We’d Love to Hear From You
Emeric Wigand
719 331 5345
A deliberate group of riders in road cycling. The peloton travels as an integrated unit, working collaboratively for the primary benefit of one AND all. Riders in the group save up to 40% of their energy by riding in careful formation with the others. The reduction in drag is dramatic; creating efficiencies, power and strength as a whole. The group is carefully selected and coordinated, with each rider having specialized skills and well defined roles. They are highly adaptable, and adjust their configuration continuously in response to fatigue, evolving road and wind conditions. Although the peloton represents a collaborative effort, the group requires a leader that understands the role of all team members and facilitates a cohesive and focused process that maximizes output.
A perfect example of strategic interaction and teamwork, with all striving towards a Common Goal.